Thursday, 6 March 2014

New Tech treatment for De-Sensitivity using laser

Nowadays most of the people have sensitivity problems.When people eat chilled food or hot food they can’t with stand the temperature, this condition is known as Sensitivity. The pain occurring during this condition will be short term and sharp. Reason for this is the degradation of enamel of tooth. Enamel protects our tooth from the temperature changes while we eat. Enamel is the top layer of our teeth , beneath enamel is Dentin. When dentin get exposed because of the degradation of enamel, Sensitivity occurs.

Enamel degradation can occur in the following conditions:
Abrasion: Abrasion is the process of tooth loss by brushing the teeth with decreased intensity.
Abfraction: Abfraction is the separation of enamel from dentin layer when some extra stress occurs to the tooth.
Erosion: Erosion occurs when some chemicals which have a pH factor of <<7 (acidic) or >>7(basic) reacts with the teeth.
The advent of laser has added a yet another useful method for its treatment. The treatment is known as De-Sensitivity, named after the process of nullifying the sensitivity of the tooth.

Normally sensitivity is treated by starting with tooth cleaning. After the cleaning process, the doctor will apply a fluoride varnish for temporarily reduce your sensitivity. For more in-depth treatment, your dentist may also apply a product that blocks the tubules in dentin and reduces dentinal tooth sensitivity. A dental laser treatment may be performed if the patient needs more advanced treatment to alter the tubules. When applied to the dentine and pulp the laser suppresses the potential of the nerve fibers by eliminating the tubules. 

In Laser there are two types of treatment available for Tooth De-Sensitivity.
Direct Method: In direct method the laser will applied moderately to the tooth, this will seal the dentinal tubules.
Indirect Method: It is done by combining the advantages of both laser & fluoride therapy. First, fluoride is applied onto the cleaned tooth-neck area. Then laser light is applied through this gel layer. By combining these two methods, the integration of fluoride into the dentine surface can be enhanced. This method is durable.

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